Dr. Gert Jan Hofstede is a Dutch population biologist and social scientist in information management and social simulation. Currently a professor at Wageningen University, Dr. Hofstede explores the interplay of the contrasting forces of culturalevolution, societal change and cultural stability. In exploring the generic dynamics of human social behavior, Dr. Hofstede contends that people are not unpredictable, but ill-understood. He uses simulation gaming and social simulation as methods that integrate knowledge from many fields to generate information that can be applied in all kinds of practical contexts. Much of his current work focuses on computational modelling of the social side of complex adaptive systems. This work links to a pioneering study of cultures he conducted with his father, also a professor. Their work on organizational culture and management resulted in developing a systematic framework for assessing culture and demonstrated how to influence and adapt behavior of societies and organizations. Dr. Hofstede’s work delivers on both theoretical and practical applications that generate shifts in organizational culture.