LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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October 2018 Team feedback

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First DAY 1

What went well

  • Learning round had lot of energy and depth
  • Pads worked well
  • Capturing the definitions on a chart were really helpful to see and use throughout the day

To change for tomorrow

  • Back to u shaped table rather than having people be on inside and out.
  • Pad last reflection – thematic lost steam.  Probably  best done the next morning.
  • Ben, Sarah and Jeff
  • Ask speakers to make more direct connections between the content and the theme.  What are the anchoring ideas?
  • Ask them to differentiate the different levels at which collective and mindfulness are seen.
  • Prefiguration:  what is it and what do we do about it
  • Dignity:  what is it and what can we do about it.  What are some mindful practices in organizations?
  • What would we see – and what would we do
  • Read the learning round in the session.  New format for writing up the brief was helpful.


What went well

  • The number of people helping to breakdown
  • 10K view was particularly lucid and poetic
  • Yield of LILA pads was larger than most other LILA sessions
  • Ask each person on the LILA pad at the end a concrete action that you will take
  • There were Seeables and Doables in Dave’s pad
  • DIGS both days felt unusually interesting
  • U-shape worked well
  • Pads were a successful experiment
  • Combination of people in the pads worked well
  • Split groups into two rounds half way through in learning round

What would we change

  • Make sure IT is ready to help and test out system
  • Sensemaking at 5pm on first day was difficult
  • Pads
    • Floaters don’t work so if LILA team want to participate, pick one and stay
    • Caught in between role of participant and facilitator
    • Ask each person to share their own post it notes with pad during first LILA pad.  Do it standing up.
    • What resources can we have in the pads – definitions of CM in the pads, copy of brief, harvest map
    • Sharpen our sense of the goals of the pad, what do we want to see happening. Then determine the resources we should bring into them.
    • After the pre-lunch pad we could task the pads to nominate one puzzles as a cafe. This could hone the topics.  Take the sticky note and move it to cafe board.  Hopefully you don’t go to the one nominated by your pad.  How to create the space for additional questions to come up.
  • Look at welcome and play with options that might make room for 5 minutes as a pad to come up with name for example.


  • How did the size of the group contribute to engagement?
  • Do we need to ask 3 people to do advanced sense making in the morning?  If we do it, there needs to be a visual artifact created.
  • Should we keep pads intact or change them for next sessions
  • Are there other kinds of processing activities that can be brought in so we don’t just remain at the conceptual level.  For example, modeling, improvisation.
  • Create tips of practices for pads
    • what happens if they ask specific questions about the content – how to handle it.
  • How can we make the learning rounds more productive – get people to think differently than they normally would and bring in ideas from session.  Questions that have been identified do not get addressed.  What would be some structural changes to answer the questions and bring in the content of the speakers.  …and name which question you are speaking for.
  • Check-In: Is there a way to follow up with members around their see-ables and do-ables
  • Can the November call be framed in response that came up.

Norm Amundson



Harvard Graduate School of Education