LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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Team Feedback February 2020

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What went well

  • Liked the conversation cafe in the morning
  • Victoria’s content was very well received
  • A lot of attention to detail by master’s students
  • Morning sharing was very thoughtful
  • Lots of energy at the end of the day
  • “Green talk”
  • Asking two members to share how they used the ideas from LILA during intro

Consider changing

  • Prompt them just to give one insight one action from conversation cafe
  • How to bring in brief and learning ecology’s into the conversation
  • Asking people to move before desert at dinner to give people chance to talk to others.

Day 2

What went well

  • Sensemakers:  Donna, Joe and Avram
  • Activity on day 2 works well
  • Interest in doing something with the ideas from LILA by members
  • Post it wall was full of notes
  • Content was more digestible because it was more synthesized
  • 10K view introduced a new idea that wrapped it into the conversation.  Organizations as conversations helped to put things together that seemed prior apart before that.


  • Move LILA table further back so its not blocking movement between area 1 and 2.
  • For some reason the morning sensemaking was lighter than usual.
  • Conversation cafe nominations were limited
  • Remember to ask them to talk about nominations at their tables
  • Tradeoff between too much feedback from cafe’s and only a tweet.  Maybe create a separate area for people to post their post it from the cafe’s so people can review them after the fact.  Ask someone from a different group to read two post its.
  • Larger drop out of people than October.

Harvard Graduate School of Education