LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    March 2018 Member Call: Adopting a Paradoxical Mindset for Emergence

    Dr. Smith shared that adopting a paradoxical mindset has been shown to encourage creative outcomes, job satisfaction, and innovation, and has been linked to promotion within organizations. Organizations inherently have competing demands; they always exist but are not always observable o Become salient through a number of organizational conditions and/or individual characteristics o Example: Paul Polman (CEO of Unilever) invites people to discuss tensions Smith found there are two core dimensions to how people think about competing demands: 1. How do you experience tensions and make them salient? 2. How do you deal with the tensions? What mindset do you bring to the tensions?
  2. Marga Biller

    January 2018 Member Call – Self-managing organizations: Exploring the limits of less-hierarchical organizing

    Fascination with organizations that eschew the conventional managerial hierarchy and instead radically decentralize authority has been longstanding, albeit at the margins of scholarly and practitioner attention. Recently, however, organizational experiments in radical decentralization have gained mainstream consideration, giving rise to a need for new theory and new research.
  3. Marga Biller

    Authority or Community ? Two models of leadership emergence.

    Ned Wellman, Assistant Professor at Arizona State University will share his research on the role of cognitive relational models in leadership emergence. Although emergent leadership is an essential tool for organizations seeking to meet the demands of challenging, dynamic environments, facilitating such leadership poses real challenges. He will explain why and how organizations might leverage relational models to encourage desired patterns of leadership. I
  4. Marga Biller

    October 2017 -Unlearning for Emergence in Organizations: Faculty

    Donald MacLean (University of Glasgow) and Benyamin Lichtenstein will be the two Guest Faculty members at the October 2017 LILA gathering focused on Unlearning for Emergence in Organizations. During this gathering we will explore questions such as: We will address such questions as: 1. What is emergence and how does it differ from other forms of change? 2. What shifts in knowledge and mindset are needed to understand emergence as a viable and valuable part of the organizational change process? 3. What are the practices and protocols that enable the organization and its members to sense, learn, and recombine to adapt to signals surfacing in the extended ecosystem, the organization, and its surroundings? 4. What types of leadership and organizational practices are necessary for engaging with emergence in ways that harness the adaptive potential at the core of this dynamic while honoring deeper shared purposes and intentions at the core of organizational missions? 5. What challenges do leaders and others face as they engage emergence with the intent of shaping a more adaptive future?
  5. Marga Biller

    2017 LILA Theme: Emergence In Organizations

    We live in a transformative time—one where old paradigms no longer help us solve the challenges we face and where new ways have not fully evolved. There is much we do not know about how to perceive, understand, and approach the issues we face. In past years, LILA has embraced themes addressing this dilemma, such as Unlearning, Managing Complexity, and Adaptive Cultures. For the coming year, we outline another such theme, one that directly engages organizational structure, structuring, and practices in the context of continuous change and distributed activity: Emergence in Organizations.
  6. Marga Biller

    LILA Member Connections: September 2017 Member call

    During the first LILA community wide conversation of this year's cycle, LILA members identified connection between their organizational challenges, the initiatives they are leading and those of other LILA members. Additionally, ideas began to emerge regarding how the theme of Emergence in Organizations might inform the way forward on these challenges.
  7. Marga Biller

    LILA Thematic Arc for 2017-2018: Emergence in Organizations: Shaping the Future as it Unfolds

    Emergence in Organizations: Shaping the future as it unfolds We live in a transformative time – one where often, old paradigms no longer help us solve the challenges we face and where new ways have not fully evolved. There is much we do not know about how to perceive, understand, and approach the issues we face. In past years, LILA has embraced themes addressing this dilemma, themes such as Unlearning, Managing Complexity, and Adaptive Cultures. For the coming year we outline another such theme, one that directly engages organizational structure and structuring in the context of continuous change and distributed...
  8. Marga Biller

    A Perspective on Adaptive Cultures by Dr. Byron Ernest

    I began a new journey of learning today and let me just say it was awesome. Today I became part of the Learning Innovations Laboratory (LILA) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. I have been watching and admiring the work of this group that is a consortium of leading researchers and practitioners in the field of organizational learning and change. To be asked to be part of such a distinguished group in very exciting. I certainly admire the mission of this project of: Bringing together the leaders of organizational learning to develop a greater understanding of the field’s current...

Harvard Graduate School of Education