LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    Feedback from Summit 2019

    What went well Two main speakers – practical applications, connections to collective mindfulness Lyndon’s P&P session to bring in a different context sparked good conversation Space worked well, sitting at tables Bringing people into the conversation about the ideas we have talked about at LILA Having the microphone available for people to offer comments People participated from the start   What to think about Sensemaking at towers after lunch to bring the communities voices into the conversation After table sensemaking ask for a few ideas from group before going to break Ask members to sit at different tables to mix...
  2. Marga Biller

    Join us for the 13th Annual LILA Summit with Rob Cross and Ryan Quinn

    This has been another intriguing year at LILA as we have taken on the theme of Collective Mindfulness: Shaping the Human Systems in Organizations. I hope that you will join us at this year’s LILA Summit on June 12th in Cambridge where the two keynote speakers are Rob Cross and Ryan Quinn. They will be joined by six past LILA faculty who will share their latest research with participants during small group conversations. In these sessions, you will have an opportunity to exchange ideas on how the research can inform your individual and organizational practices. The Summit is also a great occasion to meet and interact with the broader LILA community, including faculty, researchers, and current and past members, and to get a better sense as to who we are as a learning community and what you might experience as a member.
  3. Marga Biller

    How to spot collective mindfulness?

    Mindfulness is a challenge of attention allocation. We tend to have both eyes on the current main thing, everything else is on autopilot. Mindful means were moving the main thing along and keeping one eye out for the yellow flags we might miss.
  4. Marga Biller

    Becoming Collectively Mindful

    When struggling to gain collective mindfulness in your organization, it could be useful to examine the role of collective identity in supporting or undermining collective mindfulness. You may find that, even though a clear purpose and goal have been set forth, there are still pockets of the organization that are not moving forward in a collective way. Is it due to a weak collective identity, or maybe to a strong collective identity that overrides collective mindfulness?
  5. Marga Biller

    April 2019 Feedback

    TEAM What went well Pods went well – structure helped, color coded post it notes, intent of having a dialogue.  Last session use stickers to identify connections. Don’t ask pod members to create categories/themes rather ask them to make a connection to something I was thinking about. Find 4 things that connect. Both speakers made great connections to opening session and CM theme Things to consider changing Read or say it to the group. Discuss first then post. Feedback at the end of day 2 What went well Tim made explicit connections to Timo’s work. Maybe try to set this...
  6. Marga Biller

    Team Feedback for February 2019

    Day 1 What went well? Davide and Shelley material was well integrated and built on each other. Set up of the day’s session:  precise and concrete.  Bringing home the takeaways from before and this session.  Made the conversation by the community more precise. Didn’t feel small, felt intimate Sita’s graphics were powerful. People quoted from the brief. Nice that the speakers came up with provocations at the end of their presentations. Could we leave enough time to discuss them? What to change for tomorrow? Distance of the tables made the room feel a bit empty.  Get rid of one table....
  7. Marga Biller

    Can we measure collective intelligence in teams?

    Until recently, organizations thought that if they wanted to create “smart” teams, they just had to hire smart individuals and put them together. But researchers have discovered that is not the case. Other explanatory factors account for the performance of teams more than simply the combined intelligence of individual team members. Anita Woolley has specifically focused on examining if there is an underlying collective intelligence (CI) that lets some teams perform better than others and, if so, can we measure it, use it to predict team future performance, and reliably create it?
  8. Marga Biller

    What do the members in your organization actively do to pick up weak cues signaling threat and/or opportunity?

    During the December 2018 LILA member call, Professor Claus Rerup provided some insights into these questions. His research focuses on what he identifies as attentional triangulation – how a group of people (e.g., teams and organizations) avoid missing cues about threat or opportunity. Paying attention to the right kinds of cues is likely a mechanism toward achieving this year’s theme of collective mindfulness. When teams and organizations do not act in collectively mindful ways and are on autopilot, it is likely at least in part through lack of attentional triangulation.
  9. Marga Biller

    Winter LILA Gathering February 5 -6 2019

    The Personal:  Understanding Identity and Micro-Narratives (February 5-6, 2019) If we are to engage with collective mindfulness, an important area of inquiry might be to get a better understanding of how individual identity plays into both driving collective mindfulness and is influenced by the context in which the individuals find themselves.  Individuals and groups engage in sensemaking and sensegiving activities as a way of reinforcing, reinventing or renegotiating identities.  Narratives are a mechanism through which this identity shaping process is revealed and hold clues about what is going on within the organization as individuals construct, interpret, and act within their...
  10. Marga Biller

    October 2018: Member Feedback

    Kelly Dear LILA Community   It was great to see all of you at the first session of the year for LILA.  The LILA team is assembling all the materials that were created as part of the gathering  and will be sharing them with you in the upcoming weeks.  In the meantime, we ask that you take a few moments to provide us your thoughts regarding the gathering.  Particularly, let us know:   What did you of find most interesting? What feedback do you have about the ways in which we support your learning including: the briefing document:  how did the brief help...

Harvard Graduate School of Education